You Know You Are a Blogger When…

Hey all I thought about starting a # on Twitter #youknowyouareablogger but then, as you do, decided to write a blog post about it instead!

I’d love this to be an interactive post so please add what you think in the comments section below.

These are a few things that I think bloggers do that probably ‘normal’ people don’t, well these are some of the things that I do anyway!

You know you are a blogger when:

  • You see the potential for a post in almost everything you do.
  • You take multiple photos of the same thing just to get the right shot for a post.
  • You drive to work and during your journey you have to call upon Siri to take a note.
  • You lie in bed at night thinking about ideas for posts.
  • You are addicted to buying notebooks, even though you already have about ten.
  • You love buying pretty stationery.
  • You wake up in the middle of the night and a post idea springs to you so you desperately try and remember it so you can write it down in the morning.
  • You are constantly on Twitter or Instagram or Pinterest.
  • Someone says something to you in conversation and you know it has set the seeds for a post.
  • You love reading other people’s blog posts.
  • You are happy when you have to wait an hour or so in a hospital waiting room because you can pay attention to your blog.
  • You seriously consider or even buy a decent camera.
  • You have about 12 partly written posts in your WordPress app.
  • Pretty much all the people you talk to on Twitter are other bloggers.
  • You think bloggers are the kindest, most supportive, funniest people on the planet.

Well those are just a few of the things I think, what about you?


  1. 🙂 I have no partly written post in my WordPress app. I always finish the draft copies for my blog posts.

    And, I could relate well to all of the things that you have discussed about knowing that you are a blogger.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Or when you ask friends to take pics of something as you missed out on your visit…Then one friend checks /with the other if it’s ok if their pic goes on my website even tho I didn’t ask that in the first place!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. I can relate to many of those, except I don’t do any of those social media things and rarely even look at Facebook. My drafts are either in notebooks or Word and I haven’t a clue how many, but lots!!
    I think you know you’re a blogger when you eagerly wait to start having conversations with readers after you publish something.

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  4. I can totally relate to this post – I think after 5 months I can call myself a blogger now! Ha Ha! I’m not that impatient when I am waiting for something anymore coz it’s time to edit my post, check IG or tweet! And yes, I’ve met the kindest and supportive bloggers who made blogging so much fun!

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Oh my, yess! All of these! My computer is full of hundreds of photos of various different items taken at various different angles 😂. I can never resist another new pretty notebook and I don’t even wanna know how much time I’ve spent on social media since starting my blog ha ha 😝🙊. 100% agree, bloggers are the best! Great post Fiona, really enjoyed reading this, thank you for sharing 😍 xx

    Bexa |


  6. Oh, this post did make me chuckle! The photo thing is so relatable, both Alan and Flora know they have to wait before they eat when I need a picture and poor Flora has to strike so many poses, haha. I keep a little notebook by my bed now so when I wake up with a blog idea I can write it down – HOW SAD AM I?!!! Loved this post, Fiona, thank you for sharing 🙂 xx

    Lisa |

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  7. I totally agree. I’m always on Twitter or Instagram. And don’t you hate it when you’re comfortable in bed but an idea pops up and you have to get out of bed, turn on the lights, and write it down?


  8. Yup all of these are me..I just talked my husband into buying me a $20 juicy coture planner because it was “pretty ” and had tabs for everything and a note and I’m obsessed with making the perfect pics for pinterest and they have to color coordinate lol

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  9. I’ve just scheduled a very similar post haha. I currently have 53 (!) draft blog posts pending and can relate to all of these, especially this one – ‘You think bloggers are the kindest, most supportive, funniest people on the planet.’ 💕 I’m a fairly new reader but really enjoying your posts, thanks for sharing.

    Lisa | That British Betty

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  10. Fiona, this is all so very true. Absolutely and 100%. I agree with everything on your list. Here’s some more from me: “You love Fridays like everyone else except the reason you love them is because they are “Follow Fridays”. #FF
    Thanks so much for this post!

    Liked by 1 person

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